Dining Room & Eat-in Kitchen Luxembourg - 2022

Project: Eat-in-kitchen & dining room at Retrouvailles Concept, Stadtbredimus, Luxemburg

Concept and realization: Inform Joinery, Saarburg/Germany

Material: BARKTEX®_SuperSplit_0840

Bildrechte: Peter Böhm, Schreinerei Inform

Retrouvailles Concept is specialized in interior fittings and the restoration of historical buildings by also integrating contemporary elements. A range of different crafts companies are co-operating in order to offer a full service range. The Inform Joinery forms part of it.

A highlight is this eat-in-kitchen which becomes only visible at the push of a button. The front is made out of BARKTEX®_SuperSplit_0840 with a size of 8000 x 2400 mm, where a black piece of BARKTEX®_Natural-colors has been gilded with more than 2000 ultrathin beaten aluminum leafs (not to be confused with ordinary aluminum tin foil). With a distance of 15 cm each, the surface has been cleaved manually with a scalpel into 30 lines, resulting to more than 124 linear meters of black split stripes with an enormous depth effect. The four side doors are covered with the puristic BARKTEX®_Natural-colors_0411 in black.


Peter Böhm, Inform Joinery